have tea with me.have tea with me.have tea with me.

Terms & Conditions

Please read the terms before using any of my art. If you have a question, feel free to reach out using the chatbox to the left.

Doll Terms
Do not copy and paste pieces from my dolls and add them to yours. This is called frankendolling and it is misuse of my art.
If you'd like to adopt a doll, which is displaying it on a signature/website as a part of a collection, please LINK back to my website wherever the doll is displayed.
Do not use any of my dolls to make a blinkie/av/sig or whatever. I will have purchaseware/freeware for you to use -- none of the dolls are tubes for you to use!

Base Terms
When using my bases, feel free to edit however you would like, and please, send the edits to me, I would LOVE to post them!
Please ALWAYS give a link back when using one of my bases near the doll you have made on my base.
If you'd like, send me your creations! I'd LOVE to see them, and adopt them!

All Other Art (pixel, blinkies, icons) Terms
Please provide a linkback when adopting my pixel art, blinkies, blends or icons. I'd love for other people who see my art to be able to come here and enjoy it too!

Freeware Terms
Please provide a link back here when creating art using my freeware. And send it to me -- I'd love to see it!

Purchaseware Terms
Coming soon!

Most of all, thanks for respectfully visiting my site. I love sharing my art with you!